About Betteway

Our Journey Start as a freelancer in Engineering services in early 2013, Later on formally registered in 2018 as an Engineering Consultancy Company headquarters in Singapore

Our Clients Locations

South Africa

Industries we Served

Do more, get more, find more..
Mobirise Website Builder

Technology Providers

We support major Brand for specialised development work which may required special programming skills for one time or as needed. 

Mobirise Website Builder

Equipment / Machines Manufactures

We work closely with Manufactures to bring their offline machines to online to create greater control over the machine function, services, etc.

Mobirise Website Builder

Retail Stores

With growing Online business, we provide unique solution to retails stores of multiple industries to sell, store & share their products from any where using mobile devices.

Mobirise Website Builder

System Integrators

Not only we develop software products, we do take care of the hardware integration part as-well to reduce downtime providing solution under one roof. 

Mobirise Website Builder

New Startup's

Our Core feature is providing unique software development for completely a new product which is nowhere in the world,  and make New Start-up ideas to go live on time.

Mobirise Website Builder


F&B Industries, CNC Precision Engineering, Project Management, Engineering Services, Engineering Maintenances, AMC, 

How We Start?

Here is a simple logic we follow for a successful Project Approval

RFQ (Enquiry)

Any New Project Starts from a small customer request form


1. Every enquires are handled by our management team and respective technical team to understand who and what is actually require.

2. Any Clarification are quickly communicated either by phone/email/whatsApp with clients

3. Simple quote with time frame is prepare for every enquiry.

Mock-up / Flow Chart / Drawings

Mock-up of function requirements (or) Preliminary Drawing of the required product is submitted for approval for Detail Planning.

This clears 99% of scope what needs to be deliver.

For critical Proposal, Mock-up is submitted during proposal stage (if needed)

Some times, A simple Flow chart helps to understand the detail flow of process 

Finally Freeze the requirements to calculate the lead time and budget.

How & What we deliver?

Here is a simple logic we follow for a successful delivery

Sourcing & Prototype

With help of prototype modelling we achieve 80% hardware/device communication, product shape, ergonomics, etc..

Same time any purchased required are fulfilled for further integration.


1. Create the 3rd Party Purchase / API Integration
2. Programming & Detailing
3. Testing 3rd Party Hardwares / Devices

Production & Testing

In-house and 3rd party testing procedure are followed for meeting the customers requirement.

Support (After Sales)

Products which required continuous monitoring and maintenance are scheduled until needed.


New (Mandatory) Features are developed and added during the maintenance period and also after the maintenance period with mutual aggrements.

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